Now hosting Nameservers and Email Accounts for Club Websites!

NickClubhosting News

Club Website Admins, You need to Take Note of this; and club members, forward this to the main person handling your site so they don’t miss this important announcement.

We have discussed and debating this topic for 12 months now, and luckily, we have reached the decision that we will now offer Domain Nameserver hosting for our Customers, as well as Email Forwarding for current users.

We are also going to offer this without additional charge for all current customers!

Jump to the form


Why you need to let us host your zone files..

Is because if we move the server, have to roll it over to a fail safe, upgrade hardware, load balance, etc, You are responsible for keeping the A record current at your Domain Nameserver. However, when you use the clubhosting nameservers for your club website, you will not need to worry about updating the A record on a moments notice should we move.

Also since we are offering Control Panel accounts with Email Account and Email Forwarding capabilities, you may be able to save some money if your current domain registrar is charging you for your email services, or enhanced Zone file editing capabilities.

Of course since we are not charging anything for the email capabilities, that means you will need to rely on the well documented Cpanel instructions for setting up forwards (which is very easy to do). If you choose to have a POP/SMTP/IMAP mail account, you will be responsible for that configuration (we give you the mail account, but we cant tell you how Outlook, Thunderbird, or someone elses program works).

Pretty reasonable.

You do not need to rush to do this, however, this should be done before we change our mind, and change our pricing structure!

Have custom

now-offering-club-email-accounts-to-club-website-customersIf you have current email setup, when we forward, you may miss communication until you properly create forwards or POP/SMTP accounts; so as part of the provisioning, we will create a catch all forward for you so when you switch all emails going to your domain name will be temporarily forwarded to the email specified so you will not miss any messages.

Whats the difference between forwarding or an email account?

Forwarding just takes an email address like and forwards it to your private email like When you reply, messages will come from your personal account.

Whereas an email account gives you a full blown email account you can setup with your favorite email client/phone, and send messages from the custom email address.

For simplicity, we like recommending forwards. You can change them when volunteers change hands (and let people communicate how they normally comminicate), but the email address stays the same. However, we give you the full blown account option just because we are such great people.

Fill out the form to get this setup.


[gravityform id=”20″ name=”Domain Nameserver Change”]