Whats been going on to the Forgot Password Emails?

NickClubhosting News

Some horrible monster has been stealing your emails. No, just a bug. To get specific, WP + Exim + Sendmail decided to be a pain in the butt. We chased it for a little while and found a fix. So now the forgot password emails will work as normal consistently, and Subscribe2 should start working again as well!

Lets give it a shot shall we? Make a new Club News post on your club website and let us know if the auto email gets generated.


Oh by the way – new club website feature!

Customize the “wordpress@clubname” emails by going in to your Admin Dashboard, Settings, and then Mail From!

Link looks like this:

http://REPLACE WITH YOUR DOMAIN NAME.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp_mailfrom