ESPN Cuts SnoCross from X-Games

NickSnowmobile News

Soon to be replaced with douchebags standing around for product placement

In a crushing blow to both snowmobilers and snocross racing fans alike, ESPN has decided to axe SnoCross competitions from future X Game events. They say it’s because of budgetary reasons, I call bullshit. It’s because the sponsors are whining about needed some floppy haired jackass to stand and pose with his caffinated can of rat piss.

By removing SnoCross, we will see an impact in innovation. The popularity and grand scale of racing in the 16 years has sparked hundreds of innovations that snowmobile enthusiasts have been able to realize.

While I keep faith that manufacturers will continue to put their heart and souls into development, it just isn’t the same. Competition breeds urgency. Urgency spawns Innovation. From the simplest fix to issues, to complete redesign.

Damn you ESPN!